
Showing posts from January, 2017

Worth the struggle

    To be honest, I'm not one of those girls who enjoy shopping but as everyone else I need some new clothes from time to time. The problem with shopping is that I usually can't find what I like or want and thus spend hours in the mall and end up with empty hands anyway. Even my parents agree that I'm extremely picky. Funny to say, but that's exactly how the idea of creating something myself popped into my head. Luckily, long time ago my mom used to sew curtains, bed sheets   and clothes, so we still had a sewing machine at home. I decided since it's winter and jeans almost became my second skin I should make a dress suitable for this cold season to include some variety into my closet. My old, if you can call it,  dream was to own a pinafore dress and I figured why not to actually sew it myself, the way I want it to be.  Easier to say than to implement .  Here's the material I planned to use initially    So, I set ...

Fighting for the powerless

   Today was a really exciting day for me. As a true animal lover I couldn't miss a chance to speak up against fur usage for fashion. It just doesn't fit in my mind that in 21st century people are still exploiting and killing animals for fur. I believe in modern world there's no room for that especially because of the variety of high quality fake fur we are provided nowadays.    I guess I should finally mention what an event I'm talking about. This afternoon my sister ans I participated in The March for Animals 2017  organized by non-profit organization "Tušti narvai" . I was overwhelmed by the unity of almost a thousand activists that gathered to convey such an important message. There was no chance for the crowd to be left unnoticed. Together with the rest we were shouting different slogans such as "Fur is for animals not for Gariūnai (it's a bazaar where fur is also prevalent)". Many photos and videos were taken but somehow only...

Volleyball update

   It's been about four months since I joined school volleyball club . The time flew so fast I didn't even realized it.    I'll be honest, not every Monday was dedicated to volleyball as this day of a week happens to be the busiest one of all for me. Anyway, I tried my best at participating in every training I could. Actually, my efforts paid off and there are some noticeable improvements in my skills I want to share.    First of all, I finally learned to serve a ball. It only took one tip from one of team members and I instantly was able to pass the ball over the net and even score some points. I was super proud of myself at that point as previously I was only able to hit the net and that if only I was lucky. Now, the servings don't look as impossible as it used to.   Secondly of all, my bumping skills improved majorly as well. The last training helped a lot as we were plying in teams of three and t...

Unsuccessful yoga challenge

   New year - new me, that's what they say? As stupid as it sounds for 2017 I actually had written down a few resolutions. The first on the list was to start working out again(there was a time I had a little too much time and a little too much motivation). So this year I was as never determined to start a healthy lifestyle and to stick to it.  It was the Christmas run last month that motivated me to continue moving my body daily as not only sport is one of the main components of health but it actually makes me feel energized and ready to conquer the world.    Since it was my old dream to try out yoga that's what I went for. A 30-day challenge sounded frightening but I took the risk. Unfortunately, it didn't went as smooth as I wanted to. The first week I was persistent and did yoga each evening before bed. At first, the variety of weird poses really confused me and I felt extremely awkward. It took time to adjust to slow process of...

Homemade treats

   Since my early years I had a quenchless desire to have a dog and I say "quenchless" as I still do. Being away from home most of my daily time I simply cannot let any pet to conquer my heart yet. However, I still can take care of animals in various of ways. One of them I happened to already try. It's baking for dogs! You must be confused as some people not even bake for themselves nowadays, but dogs actually adore homemade treats. Of course, only those made with love and non-poisonous ingredients.    Once again, Ignė, Kamilė and I teamed up to make delicious cookies as a gift for the animal shelter "Beglobis". Kamilė was kind enough to make a research and find healthy and dog-safe recipes. Ignė and I were left to decide which one is the best. Finally, after a few doubts we picked the one with the highest peanut butter concentration as this specific ingredient seems to be dogs' favorite.    The c...