Unsuccessful yoga challenge

   New year - new me, that's what they say? As stupid as it sounds for 2017 I actually had written down a few resolutions. The first on the list was to start working out again(there was a time I had a little too much time and a little too much motivation). So this year I was as never determined to start a healthy lifestyle and to stick to it.  It was the Christmas run last month that motivated me to continue moving my body daily as not only sport is one of the main components of health but it actually makes me feel energized and ready to conquer the world.
   Since it was my old dream to try out yoga that's what I went for. A 30-day challenge sounded frightening but I took the risk. Unfortunately, it didn't went as smooth as I wanted to. The first week I was persistent and did yoga each evening before bed. At first, the variety of weird poses really confused me and I felt extremely awkward. It took time to adjust to slow process of this type of workout as well but after all I learned to focus my attention on breathing and it appeared to be the best way to relax and dissociate from all the worries.
    Second week came and I my motivation disappeared. I was drowning in school work and sadly, managed to squeeze in only a few days of yoga. Surprisingly, I could definitely feel the lack of it.
   With the third week the situation was pretty much the same. I guess, 30 days of yoga in a row was a bit too much of ambition. It is the week four at the moment and I already missed one day. Anyway, I still try my best to keep up with the challenge as even though I did only half of it I began to enjoy and to some extent even crave yoga which I didn't expect at all.
   So far, this experience helped me to come to the realization that it is necessary to properly assess your possibilities and only then take responsibilities over something. I feel disappointed in myself for not finishing all the days but it only gives me more motivation to do those workouts I skipped next month whenever I'll have free time.


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