Volleyball update

   It's been about four months since I joined school volleyball club. The time flew so fast I didn't even realized it.
   I'll be honest, not every Monday was dedicated to volleyball as this day of a week happens to be the busiest one of all for me. Anyway, I tried my best at participating in every training I could. Actually, my efforts paid off and there are some noticeable improvements in my skills I want to share.
   First of all, I finally learned to serve a ball. It only took one tip from one of team members and I instantly was able to pass the ball over the net and even score some points. I was super proud of myself at that point as previously I was only able to hit the net and that if only I was lucky. Now, the servings don't look as impossible as it used to.
  Secondly of all, my bumping skills improved majorly as well. The last training helped a lot as we were plying in teams of three and this way all team members got to participate in the game. I used to be frightened by the ball flying at me, but now my only concern is how to hit it the right way. I might lack the correctness in my form by at least I do not miss most of upcoming passes.
   And third of all, I became much more enthusiastic about actually hitting the ball even if it would result in a total failure. Overcoming self-doubt was probably the biggest challenge for me but it is only for the better as from now on only more improvements will follow!
   My next goal is to perfect my technique of bumping, serving and passing. I believe that quality and "clean" playing is the key to success.


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