School clean-up

Every teenager is used to hearing the fraze "clean up your room!" and I'm not an exception. My room definitely needs a major clean-up every now and then because I'm not one of those people who can keep a room clean daily. Nevertheless, each one of us still feels obligated to manage the mess created. However, have you ever thought about the mess created in a school? I believe it's not only charwomen's duty to clean the school but students' as well. Kamilė, Ignė and I all agreed on this aspect and decided to contribute to the clearer windows of our school. If charwomen wash the floor daily, they definitely don't wash windows that often. It's simply impossible for them to keep up with our vast school. That's why we thought it would be a great work to do. After all, we, students, are the ones who leave the prints of fingers all around those windows, so we ought to clean them respectively. Today the three of us girls met early before the classes ...