Cook, eat, write, repeat

It’s always two kinds of emotions wrecking inside of me when I cook something I’ve never tried before. It’s excitement and fright of failure. This month was especially filled with these emotions because I’ve tried three new recipes that I kind of always wanted to try.
The first one was flourless and sugarless cupcakes. This recipe arouse the most doubts in me but the end result was probably the best of all three. Never have I ever before used beans to make a dessert, but who could’ve thought that it’s actually the best idea in the whole world of cooking! I loved the cupcakes and they were a perfect balance between healthy and tasty. In the future I will definitely try more sweet recipes with beans or even create one myself!
The second recipe I’ve tried was a breakfast one. This one was quite easy to make but the idea to substitute eggs for tofu was a great discovery for me. I adjusted the original recipe a little bit by excluding some ingredient and including some additional spices as that’s what I didn’t have or had  on hand.
Finally, the last one was banana bread. This one was a total hit in my family. Everyone loved it, including me. Once again, it wasn’t just a usual recipe because it included no sugar at all. These days sugar is one of dominant ingredients in almost everything and sometimes you’re not even aware of it, thus this banana bread was a great way to substitute any of those sugary cookies or cakes. I enjoyed both the cooking part and the eating part equally (ok, maybe the latter slightly more). The hard part, once again, was to write appealing posts describing all these recipes. I don’t have a natural talent for creative writing but I’m starting to notice some progress in this field. It became a bit easier to think of a background history to tell for each recipe but there’s still a lot of room for improvement.


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