Meditation - a new part of my routine?

In our contemporary world  the majority of people live in a constant stress, especially those working and studying. It's hard to avoid tension, but there are several methods that can help to learn to do so. One of them is meditation.
There was always this kind of imagination of mine that meditation is only for yoga-practitioners and super organized people who have everything under control in their life. However, daily stress made me look for solutions and I encountered meditation as one of the best methods to release all the accumulated burden on my shoulders. 
After reading a little bit about meditation online, I decided to get an app "Insight timer" which had to provide with guided meditations. Truly, it did. At first, I was lost and confused how to choose the right meditation but considering my busy schedule, I've set a plan to meditate for 10-15 minutes before bed. Surprisingly, I liked it so much that didn't skipped even once, except of replacing half-week meditation before sleep to meditation first thing in the morning. I enjoyed the activity as last thing more than first thing of the day so continued the practice the way I started. To be honest, I didn't even thought that meditation actually requires so much attention and work to do! I had to really think about my breathing and try to consciously control it. Won't lie, it was hard and sometimes even exhausting, but the relaxed feeling afterwards was the best reward I could get. It was a week of the best sleep I've had in a long time and don't even think that I'm going to stop meditating! Now it will definitely be a part of my daily routine. 100% recommend! 


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