Learning to dance waltz
A photo from other practice that I didn't attend The long-waited prom is coming and this means that we, graduate students, have to not only think about the clothes to wear but also learn to dance waltz, most probably the most classic of all dances, which is sort of a compulsory dance with one of the parents (girls with dads and boys with mothers). I was never confident about my dancing skill even though I attended recreational dances (only for half a year actually...) at fifth grade. Luckily, a few of my classmates, who have much more experience in dancing than I do, organized special classes to learn to dance waltz. I couldn't participate in the first classes as I was away at the time but as soon as I got back I jumped straight into the classes whenever I could. In all, I attended only two classes before the mock exams started which is not that much but I still got to practice my skills. I was nervous that I didn't have a partner before going but it was fine in the ...