Making lunch for two

Long days at school require proper lunch to fuel the brain and the body for the most efficiency at classes. My sister and I are vegetarians and this restricts our choices of lunch in the school canteen. The only options are usually some kind of soup or rice with veggies. This kind of food isn't nor nutritious neither delicious, thus we like to take meals from home. We are used to taking meals prepared by our mom but this usually means that after school you have to eat the same meal or make something on your own, which is not an option for us with all the school work. Taking all of this into account I figured to try out making quick meal for the two of us to take to school. Each day of the previous week I made something to eat for the next day and my sister was the one evaluating the taste and the meal itself. As we take meals in special food thermoses it was impossible to take proper photos and to be honest, I always forgot to do that. The only time I remembered in the morning was after heating up in the microwave which resulted in steam covering up the camera before I could take a normal photo. Nevertheless, I'm putting it out here to at least give you an impression of what those mysterious meals looked like. 
Doesn't look very appealing...
So to briefly describe the meals, they all consisted of some kind of a grain and then something more interesting like veggie balls, tofu or simply veggies in a sauce. On Sunday night I did a little prep: I boiled some rice and made veggie balls from cauliflower (which were approved by my sister!). This lasted us for two days (Monday and Tuesday). Then on Tuesday night I boiled some pasta and combined it with the leftover veggie balls and some store-bought tomato sauce (picture included in the post). This was definitely a hit (we both love pasta). And then on Wednesday  night while buckwheat was boiling in the pot, I cooked some tofu in the pan (which took less than 10 minutes) and added some frozen green beans towards the end to add some nutritional value to the dish. This meal was pretty bland so I added teriyaki sauce the Thursday morning after heating it up. Both of us weren't impressed by this meal but it satisfied us until dinner and I guess that the main thing I was aiming for. 
Overall, even though I like cooking, it was hard to think of a variety of meals and food combinations that would be delicious and nutritious the whole week. Also, cooking at night caused me to go to bed later than usual which I certainly didn't enjoy. Concluding, I won't make meals for us the whole week any time soon, maybe only once a week. 


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