Back at the Food bank

I've already lost a count of which time I participated at the "Food bank" but I definitely didn't feel like a newbie anymore. This time I decided not be a leader of the shift and get back to the tasks of an ordinary volunteer. It came out that the 'manager' of my shift was my sister, which made it much more challenging to volunteer. I felt the need to help her at times to distribute the tasks or simply take initiative at completing certain work because one of the volunteers didn't show up and we certainly felt the lack of hands. Surprisingly, this time there were no additional problems with people visiting a supermarket because usually there's always several of those who are not content with the project or anything related to it. Consequently, three hours were pretty smooth and calm but still a little boring. I don't remember when was then last time I volunteered at Friday because I usually chose Saturdays to have more energy and motivation. However, this time I went on Friday and to be honest, three hours were passing very slowly and I could already feel the fatigue after an hour. Nevertheless, I persisted with my volunteering and did all the jobs possible: distributed flayers, counted the food products and packed them into boxes and gave symbolic gifts to people. It was the hardest to distribute the flayers because it required a lot of patience and repeating of similar words that become irritating very fast. Overall, I would say it is kind of a tradition now to volunteer at the Food bank and just couldn't let myself skip it this time. The fact that it is my fifth or sixth time participating doesn't mean that I didn't learn anything. I learned to listen to the one commanding even if it's  your sister, work efficiently in a group when there's lack of people and complete tasks despite being super tired. 


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