10 days of yoga

After a great experience at the guided yoga class  three months ago, I wanted to try out yoga at home once again. Finally, this month I found some time to dedicate for finishing a 10-day yoga beginner tour of the app called "Daily yoga". It consisted of 10 videos (around 20-minute long each) with not only visual representation of the movements but with a voiceover as well, which was very convenient as usually I did unfamiliar poses and needed a little extra help with understanding which leg/arm goes where. Also, the voice with a relaxing sound background helped to clear my mind and breath correctly. Even though I enjoyed most of my practices, which I did after school, I definitely noticed the lack of muscle strength and stretching abilities (14 days of stretching last month didn't make a noticeable difference). Thus, I often couldn't do certain poses properly which surprisingly only made me more motivated to try harder the next day. Of course, 10 days is not enough for me to become even fully familiar with yoga (especially as it was intended for beginners with the most simple exercises) but once again I truly enjoyed this relaxing activity. School is already stressful enough and I noticed that such a calm practice each day made me more focused and motivated to do school work. I'm proud that I managed to stick to the practice and complete it without skipping even a day; however, I feel that without a challenge motivating me to keep up, I wouldn't be able to force myself to practice every single day at the moment. I hope I'll be back at doing yoga sometime in the future, maybe when I'll get old... 


  1. The trainees who join in 10 Day Yoga Training Retreat to destination locations which aid in forging a healthier body-mind connection, making sessions more enjoyable and obtaining better results. Let us know!


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