Making origami figures

Already in the primary school children are introduced to the art of origami. As much as I remember from my own childhood, it's usually a boat and a hat the most two common figures to fold. They are already pretty easy to make for a child so I decided to try something more challenging in this sphere. I chose to practice a few animals: a frog,  a dinosaur and a shark. Initially, I anticipated to make many more figures but after spending more than half an hour folding these three I understood that the process is not as quick and smooth as I thought it would be. 
I started with a from - the easiest one, as I naively thought before attempting it. At first It was pretty straightforward with simple folds in half or across the piece of paper. However, after three or four folds it became much more complicated, especially as my printing paper that I used became extremely thick and it was hard to make any fold with it at this point. It appeared that the figure of the frog is very small and detailed but despite some difficulties and struggles I managed to reach the finish and it was a rewarding one. My frog could jump! It may seem not a big deal for those proficient in origami-making but for me it was a fascinating fact. I still can't understand how something made out of paper can imitate the jumping of a frog! 
The second figure I made was a dinosaur. This one I chose accidentally as the tutorial on it was suggested by YouTube for me. This figure was slightly easier to make but at the end when 'arms' and 'legs' needed to be folded, it was again very hard to work with a thicker printing paper. Unfortunately, this figure somehow doesn't want to stand (I guess because it's paper...) and the legs of a dinosaur slide apart and it looks pretty funny. 
The last origami that I attempted was a shark. This one was the most confusing for me. I folded something wrongly several times and at one point I thought it's not going to work out. Luckily, it was all fine and I figured it out. This figure was the most difficult for me ta make but it was also my favourite one. 
Overall, this experience taught me that origami is not as easy as one might think and it requires not only extreme concentration but a special thin folding paper for the best results. Now I know how to make these three animals mentioned above even though I wouldn't be able to make them without following a tutorial. Nevertheless, I actually enjoyed this type of art as I it's intriguing and actually complex to develop which fascinates me even more! I hope these skills of making origami animals will be beneficial some day in the future...


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