Giving up the bus
A bus ride to school is my sister's and mine routine for nearly two years now. We usually ride two or one stop depending on the bus stop we choose to walk to on that particular day (they're pretty much equally far away) after parents drop us off on their way to work. However, we were always curious about how long it would take us to walk the same distance we ride by bus each day. The reason is that even though it seems not a far ride, the bus still takes around 15 minutes to get us to school due to usual morning traffic. Therefore, last week to decided to try leaving the home earlier by ten minutes and walking to school. Surprisingly, we discovered that walking takes at most 15 minutes, nearly the same if not faster than by bus. We both found this kind new way of starting the day very enjoyable because the weather is getting nicer with each day and 15 minutes of physical activity really get us woken up (which is our daily struggle these days...). Additionally, we get to ch...