Trying out a fitness class

In the past I’ve tried a lot of various kinds of sport but came to conclusion that from the active group I like simple exercises with or without weights the most. Therefore, as summer is already near the corner, my sister and I decided to atted some kind of a fitness class in the local gym. We choose the press and back workout as it was one of the shortest ones and we definitely don’t have a lot of free time at the moment as exams are coming. 
It was confusing at first because the trainer kept telling  us what to do but I was too slow to manage to follow the instructions. However, after the first 10 minutes I got kind of used to the pace and could adapt to new exercises pretty quickly. Despite this, it was still challenging to complete all the exercises for a certain period  of time due to me being physically unprepared. What helped me was that my sister and I kept cheering each other bot to give up and this motivated me to keep going. 
Overall, I truly enjoyed the experience but at the same time realised how physically weak I am and how mentally strong another person can make you. Hope to improve during the summer break! 


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