
Showing posts from March, 2017

Preparation for a public run

super red but super happy as well!    This month I planned to do a 30 day abs challenge but after doing a similar one for squats I realized that there's no point in this kind of activity. Moreover, it is boring and dangerous as you can easily get hurt performing ridiculous numbers of squats or any other exercise. So instead I decided to start in advance preparing for my future 5 km run in "We run Vilnius" which will take place in May.    To be honest, my relationship with running evolved as a true roller coaster. When I was in 10th grade my father and I used to run a solid distance at least three times a week early in the morning. That's when I improved and started to really enjoyed this sport. However, time passed by and nor my dad neither I no longer had time to continue running. A year later and I found myself practicing this sport once again in summer but with much less enjoyment. Since the new academic year I took an occasional run here and t...

Bracelets with a hidden meaning

   It has been 27 years since Lithuania restored it's independence. I am so incredibly thankful and proud of each and everyone who contributed to freedom of word and act of this day.    As in my school 11th of March is not celebrated in any special way, seven of us in the class figured to make bracelets in the colors of national flag and to share them with our classmates.    The initial idea seemed pretty easy until I realized how time consuming the process of making was. First bracelet took me at least two hours to finish! Of course, with some time I got used to working with threads, but still, it took more than I expected. The cons were outweighed by the result of simple but eye-dragging bracelets. In total I made five of them and could have done even more if I had the time. Unfortunately, in the actual hand out I could not participate but other girls did perfectly without me. They told, that everyone was pleased with ...

St. Casimir's fair

St. Casimir's fair have always been one of my favorite events of the year since the early childhood. Till this day I remember taking photos near the traditional green chair with the Lithuanian name for the celebration "Kaziuko mugÄ—" on it. This year I decided to do something different and participate in St. Casimir's fair as a volunteer and not only as a visitor. The feeling of excitement fulfilled me but it lasted not for long. When my friend and I showed at the Cathedral square ready to communicate and have fun in a kids' zone, where we were initially assigned, the disappointing truth hit us in full force. Almost none of the kids entered our tent to be painted on the face, which was our primarily task. As a true volunteers we tried to find ourselves some meaningful activities. Unfortunately, our efforts were fruitless. Even though the coordinator prescribed us to hang special posters on traders' tents signing the availabilit...

The 100th day

   The realization that only 100 days are left till final exams is probably one the most exciting and scary things every student gets to experience. It's the job of third-graders to make sure graduates remember that day forever. Vilnius lyceum takes the task especially seriously and starts preparation months before the actual event. This year, January was dedicated for idea gathering, theme developing and other this kind of important things. I didn't really take part in the initial creation but gave all my energy and free time when the physical preparation started.    It was me who offered to make a backward counting clock to a group of friends. But, my sister was the one who came up with the idea for it. We wanted to make something memorable and she found a perfect version to recreate.    In the long process of making the clock our group stumbled across lots of problems. The first one was uneven color of foam panels w...

Daily exercise

    Since the day I discovered sport my favorite kind of exercises were leg-related. So it's not a surprise that I was more than happy to dedicate the month of February to a 30 day squat challenge . Quickly after a week or so my thoughts on it being more than easy to accomplish shattered into a million pieces. No, I'm not exaggerating whatsoever. Only seven days into the challenge and I already felt the struggle. It was hard to push through all 100 squats at once on the 9th day so you could imagine my growing worry about 250 waiting for me on the finish line. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the actual process, it was just too much to take in one breath. Lucky enough, I came up with the idea to do half the squats in the morning and half in the evening. That was the best decision I could have done because doing squats first thing in the morning made me wake up and properly start the day. It was a little harder to bring myself to do the exerc...