Bracelets with a hidden meaning

   It has been 27 years since Lithuania restored it's independence. I am so incredibly thankful and proud of each and everyone who contributed to freedom of word and act of this day.
   As in my school 11th of March is not celebrated in any special way, seven of us in the class figured to make bracelets in the colors of national flag and to share them with our classmates.
   The initial idea seemed pretty easy until I realized how time consuming the process of making was. First bracelet took me at least two hours to finish! Of course, with some time I got used to working with threads, but still, it took more than I expected. The cons were outweighed by the result of simple but eye-dragging bracelets. In total I made five of them and could have done even more if I had the time. Unfortunately, in the actual hand out I could not participate but other girls did perfectly without me. They told, that everyone was pleased with the little gift, some teachers that they were lucky to find as well. It is nice to know the effort was worth it. I hope that the bracelets will remind people of the great Lithuanians who fought for our independence and will make to appreciate daily freedom more.


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