Daily exercise

    Since the day I discovered sport my favorite kind of exercises were leg-related. So it's not a surprise that I was more than happy to dedicate the month of February to a 30 day squat challenge. Quickly after a week or so my thoughts on it being more than easy to accomplish shattered into a million pieces. No, I'm not exaggerating whatsoever. Only seven days into the challenge and I already felt the struggle. It was hard to push through all 100 squats at once on the 9th day so you could imagine my growing worry about 250 waiting for me on the finish line. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the actual process, it was just too much to take in one breath. Lucky enough, I came up with the idea to do half the squats in the morning and half in the evening. That was the best decision I could have done because doing squats first thing in the morning made me wake up and properly start the day. It was a little harder to bring myself to do the exercise after school but to my surprise after completing the task for the day I felt instantly better and a little proud. Unfortunately, I can not brag about completing the challenge as I was forced to skip a few days here and there due to oversleeping or coming home late (100 day celebration took place that month). Still, I feel I've done the best I could and progressed in doing squats.
   Almost forgot to mention that around that time I was in the middle of the challenge when my trainer of volleyball showed how squats should be done: feet a little wider than hips, head and spine straight and weight on the heel the entire time of squatting. This definitely helped me to complete the challenge without any injuries.
   Overall, even though the challenge had some cons, the pros outweighed them completely. It was a pleasure and a struggle all together. I made some conclusions to myself that next time I should choose quality over quantity. Maybe more various exercises from the same group and more conceivable amount of them.


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