The 100th day

   The realization that only 100 days are left till final exams is probably one the most exciting and scary things every student gets to experience. It's the job of third-graders to make sure graduates remember that day forever. Vilnius lyceum takes the task especially seriously and starts preparation months before the actual event. This year, January was dedicated for idea gathering, theme developing and other this kind of important things. I didn't really take part in the initial creation but gave all my energy and free time when the physical preparation started.
It was me who offered to make a backward counting clock to a group of friends. But, my sister was the one who came up with the idea for it. We wanted to make something memorable and she found a perfect version to recreate.
   In the long process of making the clock our group stumbled across lots of problems. The first one was uneven color of foam panels we were provided. Those panels were needed for cutting out circles to represent individual clocks. The idea was to make a black background and lots of similar standing out circles. For thinot an easy task but working together as a team it was completed pretty fast. Having the same goal helped to create a very
s they had to be completely white, however foam had some dark grey spots so we had no other choice rather than to paint them all white by hand. The total amount of more than 180 circles needed at least two layers of paint each so you can imagine how long we worked on turning them perfectly white. Still, painting over and over appeared to be not the worst obstacle we had to overcome. As we just started to dye we realized that the lines from colorful markers we made to cut out even circles were mixing in with the paint and staining the foam. Funny enough, we had to go over all the circles second time and cut off the col
orful frame. It was
cozy and pleasant atmosphere in which it was more than easy to work.
   In the end, the clock turned out amazing and we felt truly proud of ourselves. It was worth every Friday evening and Saturday we have spent in school working on this project. Actually, not only we liked the final result but others praised it as well.
   The clock was not the only way I contributed to successful realization of the event. I also made all kind of minor work. On breaks between classes and whenever I had windows I glued strips and discs on threads, painted lines for stair decoration, helped with décor for gym hall, participated in last minute attachment of colored paper on stairs by trimming the tape as quickly as I could (this was the most stressful job of all!) and many others. It was a pleasure for me to give all the free time and remaining energy for the preparation for the big day. This experience once again proved to me that cooperation is the key to success. After such hard work I'm with a huge excitement looking forward to my own 100th day celebration!


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