Simulating "Darom" ourselves

   Not always everything goes as planned and last weekend I learnt this once again. Initially my plan was to participate in "Darom 2017", which is an annually organized project of voluntary collection of litter all around Lithuania, however, that day I was busy at a meeting of volunteers of "Labas" festival. So instead, couple of friends and I came up with the idea to clean up our neighborhood where "Darom" have never previously proceeded.  Looking back, I am more than glad we did so as there was plenty of litter to collect. To be honest, I did not expect to find this much "treasure" as no one else could pollute the space unless residents themselves. It upsets me quite a lot because it means that people do not feel any respect or responsibility towards the nature and its biocapacity.
  Today Kamilė, Ignė and I woke up really early despite the fact it's Sunday and, with the help of all the determination we had, went to hunt for any unnatural objects lying  on the roadside.
   All together, our little group managed to collect  seven garbage bags on the way to the local bus stop and around that area. Together we worked as a true team.
  It is worth mentioning that my mindset about the relationship between people and nature changed completely. I realized that not everyone cares about a serious problem of pollution as much as I do. Moreover, it still does not sit in my mind how could I walk that path five times a week after school and did not notice all the litter. In the future I'll be more attentive and pick up an occasional piece of rubbish whenever it'll appear in my eyesight.


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