Свита Булгакова

During this school year my favorite literature piece that I, as a student of the first IB class, had to read became "The Master and Margarita" written by Mikhail Bulgakov. Being the biggest fan of the book I simply could not refuse to participate in a brain battle fully dedicated to M. Bulgakov's life. So last Friday, together with my other classmates and our Lithuanian language and literature teacher, I found myself in a quite small classroom of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. We were completely unaware of the level of seriousness of this battle and got really confused when realized that it was meant to proceed only in Russian. Luckily, my sister and I have some decent language skills and were able to translate everything to our teams. The whole even was hectic! We constantly had to rush to answer questions because the timing was kind of weird - for harder questions less time that for easier ones. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every minute filled with adrenaline and competitiveness.
   In the end, the team I was in won a third place! We were pleasantly surprised that our team work paid off. I can confidently say that without each one of the member we would not have won because not one of us knew the information perfectly but together we were able to join our snippets of memory and create the right answer. Together we learned how to work fast in the most stressful conditions, listen and trust each other.
   P. S. out team name was "Свита Булгакова" which in translation means "Bulgakov's retinue".


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