Joining school volleyball club

   Ever since the sixth grade, the moment I was introduced to volleyball, I had a secret dream or even a goal to learn how to properly play this sport game. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to do it until now as there was a volleyball club recently established in my school.
   To be honest, at first I wasn't going to join the club because of numerous doubts that were on my mind. However, after constantly hearing more and more positive feedback from my classmates I decided to give it a go. Not even a slight thought of regret came to my mind after this fatal decision. I enjoyed every single minute of the first training even though I was playing terribly. It was challenging not to give up as failure after failure came. Despite all of that I was not feeling disappointed in myself whatsoever because of the joy and satisfaction feelings that came afterwards. I actually remembered some rules and techniques from P. E. lessons in primary school, however, it is clear for me that there's still plenty of room for improvement.
   I also should mention how nice it was to play in a girls' team. There was no competition between us and we just enjoyed the process of learning together.
   I am extremely looking forward next training. I plan to go every Monday for now as only this day is dedicated for beginners. I hope my goal to learn to play volleyball will be reached soon.


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