Doughnuts for the Pie day

   Cooking has been my passion number one for as long as I can remember so it's not a surprise that I got all excited after hearing about the Pie day, traditionally organized by IB students in my school. The main idea of this event is to sell cakes, pies, cookies and  everything else sweet to students and after donate all the collected money to a local hospital.
Ignė perfecting the chocolate coating
    Three of us classmates, Kamilė, Ignė (also my sister) and I, figured to collaborate and make something special and crowd-pleasing together. So after Christmas run we gathered at our house to make some delicious doughnuts. It might sound as a very unhealthy treat, however, we made a totally opposite of that. The recipe did not include any butter, eggs or dairy products. So vegan and one may even say guilt-free doughnuts were on the way to the oven after our work in the kitchen with all the ingredients.
    I must admit, the recipe was easy to follow. However, it was a challenge for me to work in a team while cooking. Honestly, I'm the one, who likes to cook by herself without any help of others. After all, it was not as bad as I expected. Six hands made the process a lot quicker and pleasant as two would have.
   No wonder the best part of cooking was decorating the doughnuts(except from taste testing of course). It was a little harder to coat them in chocolate in appropriate way but this problem was quickly solved by giving the responsibility to already qualified baker of doughnuts, my sister Ignė. At first she struggled as well, but after some time we were working as a true doughnut factory.
   Even though I was super nervous about our success selling the doughnuts, it seemed that everyone enjoyed our final product. I was pleased to know that our effort paid off.

The final product(or should I say "products"?)


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