One photo a day
Before IB one of my hobbies was taking pictures of the surrounding world. I never had a proper camera, so Iphone was my saviour. At the time photography was a way to perpetuate the beauty I saw around me, but the tight schedule of an IB student made me forget about such interest. So, to commemorate long forgotten hobby I decided to jump all the way in and try out 30-day photography challenge. Ar first, I was very excited to take pictures but as there were certain themes for each day as a part of a challenge, I really struggled to find the way to convey the ideas of some days in an artsy and appealing way. As a result, I skipped a few days (not intentionally) because nothing managed to catch my eye fitting the theme on those days. Still, I'm proud of the photos I took. The priority for me was quality and not quantity, so forgive the fact of an incomplete challenge. Next time I wouldn't opt for a month-long photography challenge because I'll admit, it's too much to take ...