Learning syntax all over again

Last month was dedicated for learning spelling, however, this month was all about the syntax. I'll be honest, if spelling is my strong side, syntax is completely opposite. I'm never fully sure about where to put a coma or a dash, or a colon. I go with the flow, as they say - write the way I believe is correct. Yet I'm rapidly approaching the exams and punctuation is the thing I should be confident in. What is more, it's my responsibility as a citizen of Lithuania to be literate in all aspects of the language. 
As usual, Aušrinė, other "students" and I met in the lobby of our school on a Thursday morning almost every week this month. Our "teacher" was always prepared to explain the rules and their exceptions. She also always had some check-yourself tasks for us to complete together in the "class". It was much easier to understand and remember the rules as well as do tasks in cooperation with other girls than to do it individually at home as Aušrinė also in the end of each lesson gave us homework to practice what we've learned. I would say it is hard to keep up this additional activity with the six subjects of IB program, but the enthusiasm of others and Aušrinė herself motivates me to keep up with the group. I'll be honest the majority of the rules I've already learned at some point of my life, but there are some I've never heard about! So it's even more interesting to finally find out new syntax rules that help me to become the best version of myself literary wise. Once again, looking forward for further lessons and discoveries in the world of Lithuanian language! 


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