Contributing to local community's wealth

Pollution is one of the most severe problems of contemporary world. As population continues to grow, pollution also increases respectively, and as we all know, waste doesn't disappear but is rather collected in dump holes. They require huge areas of land and are very dangerous not even mentioning the awful smell that can be detected from very far away. 
Being aware of such information, I try to recycle as mush as possible. However, it's not enough to look after my own actions and decisions only because there are so many people who don't even care about environment and planet's future. Accordingly, in order to ensure the full employment of my awareness, this year together with my sister we decided to collect rubbish around our living area. We did the same thing last year and found quite a lot of rubbish even if it didn't look like a very polluted area at all. To our surprise, this year we collected much more less rubbish, only two garbage bags were almost full after an hour of wondering around. To be honest, it was so satisfying to pick up all the candy papers and soda bottles from around the path that we passed each day walking home after school. Now, I'll be much more calm about the future of if not the whole planet, but at least my area of living. After all, at least there won't be a pile of rubbish after upcoming winter snow will melt (I hope so). Furthermore, I hope that the local community members will notice the changes and will take thought before throwing a piece of rubbish on the ground instead of a garbage bin. 


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