Getting back to my roots

Even though I'm not fully Lithuanian by nationality, I've always been a patriot in my heart. Basketball, cepelinai, kūčiukai - I've always been a fan of these and many more with Lithuania associated things of daily life. However, traditional dance never seemed appealing enough to try it out. Nevertheless, when the opportunity appeared on my way, I took it as a challenge I've never had before. With an ex-classmate as a teacher, lessons started in the beginning of September and since then our group have been having two to three rehearsals a week. I'll admit, the dance itself wasn't that hard to learn even though there were some movements that I didn't understand at first and needed a longer time to master. The actual challenge though was to agree on the timing of meetings. It's not an easy task to find the perfect time when ten people are all free of lessons, additional activities etc. However, we managed to somehow find a solution and eventually, learn the full performance. Some of us had an idea to perform at some event but as we aren't any professionals and don't even have national dresses to dress up in, we decided to film a video of us dancing as the first step in our dancing careers. To be honest, it turned out better than I expected.
Overall, this experience taught me not only the basics of Lithuanian dance but also to effectively communicate with others with the same goal and to learn fast yet productively.
Here's the link to the video: 


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