Creative "Mona Lisa Smile" review

A brief sketch 
Whenever a new film gets released for wide public access, naturally, it receives feedback from the viewers, not even including various professional critics in the film industry. However, most of those who criticize express their opinions through words, for example, comments, articles and similar. As for the movie "Mona Lisa Smile" that I watched most recently, I find it hard to describe in words but much easier in colors. That's why I decided to paint a review instead of writing one. If I had to name three properties of it as a painting I would most definitely say: colorful, extraordinary and unique. So that's what I tried to convey by my own version of famous Van Gogh's "Sunflowers". My painting also correlates with the main idea of the film itself. It lies in the words of the leading character, new teacher of history of art at women's private college, Katherine Ann Watson, who said during one of her classes "You can conform to what other people expect or you can be yourself". Throughout the whole film she tries to show students that they can have a much brighter future continuing their education at a university rather than traditionally creating a family and taking the responsibilities of a housewife. The plot, I would say, is easy to digest but rather unexpected and I really enjoyed that about this movie. So here's my creative review that I actually took a while to paint even thought it might not look like that:


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