Jumping with friends

It's always nostalgic to remember your most favorite games of childhood. If you ask me, I adored jumping! Well, it isn't technically a game but still an activity of my preference. During my young years, I constantly dreamed about having a trampoline but eventually this wish of mine switched to wanting a puppy. However, to this day I can recall a childhood dream about having a multi storey house with a trampoline instead of an elevator. Funny now, but then this idea seemed genius to me.
So, getting to the point of this post, as you might have already understood, I visited a trampoline centre ironically named "Skypark". 
As a couple of friends and I walked into the building, we were kind of overwhelmed by the amount of children that were running all around the place with red though smiley faces. And it was already past 8 pm! Well, there was nothing left, just to join them and try not to stand out (except by our heads protruding out of the crowd). 
At first I was self-conscious about what if the only ones visiting such places are kids with their parents but soon enough I saw my-aged people and became confident enough to finally jump foolishly around. 
After a few minutes I got bored with simple jumping in one place and taking an example from my friends I tried to sit-jump, which is simply to jump up, land sitting with straight feet and then jump from inertia once again. Unfortunately, my body seemed to be incapable of such a "trick". I tried numerous times to only fail each one of them. Finally, I set a goal to complete a proper sit-jump and guess what? I did it! We were almost about to leave and I finally overcame my conviction of being unable to do it and it appeared pretty simple. I was proud at that moment and still am as much proud. It's important to reach your own goals even if for someone they are a casualty, right? 


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