Small actions that matter

It's not a secret that the world's 'health' is relatively rapidly deteriorating and the main reason for that is human-induced activities. People are often not even aware of the consequences that their actions bring to Earth and as a person of the new generation I feel accountable to awaken the sense of responsibility in such people. That's exactly what prompted me to make environment-concerning bookmarks. As always, it was a few of us who decided to cooperate and make enough bookmarks to be able to leave them in our school library for others to use and get informed or inspired to reduce waste, pollution or any other harmful activity that they might be contributing to. 
In total, I made three bookmarks concerning industrial pollution, daily waste and deforestation. My goal was to make them simple in content but still bearing an important meaning. Overall, it wasn't challenging to draw the bookmarks because before drawing I spent a whole hour searching for suitable pictures online to get inspirational ideas. As I really tried to make each bookmark as neat and as eye-pleasing as possible, it took me a while to finish drawing only three of them. Therefore, I find it was a great idea to do this little project together with my friends. 
Also, it's important to mention that while drawing I got to overthink my personal daily choices and decisions influencing Earth's well-being and become more conscious about the environment supporting our species. 
Now all what's left is to leave our meaningful bookmarks in the library hoping that it will draw other student's attention and will make them think of their daily actions more carefully. I'll admit it's a small act, but I believe it will still make a change at least for someone in our society. 


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