10000 steps a day
This month was supposed to be dedicated to walking 10000 steps a day, but it appeared to be much more difficult than I expected. I assumed that I usually was walking most of that amount but I was surprised to acknowledge that I barely could get to half of that. Therefore, it was much more of a challenge to walk 10000 steps than I initially anticipated. First of all, I found it hard to keep up with the fixed number of steps. I always managed to get 5000 steps but to double that I had to make a significant effort. Sometimes it even required a few (or more) circles around my neighborhood before coming home form school. Before this moth I believed that I enjoy walking but it wasn’t that fun after all. I guess the issue wasn’t the walking itself but rather the requirement to fulfill a certain amount of steps. Most of the time I struggled at weekdays, because school work was more of a priority to me, while it was relatively easy at weekends, because I usually went to the library which requires a bit of walking here and there. However, despite all the struggles I felt great on the days I reached the goal because not only I managed to complete my daily goal but I also moved my body which made me feel better physically and mentally. It was great to have a small daily goal but at this time I would prefer to devote all my free time to studying (or sleeping...).
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