No special occasion
Even though it does not seem like it behind the window, nearly a month of springtime has already passed. Since there's only occasional sunshine in Vilnius and certain groups of people, especially the elder, don't get to enjoy it as often as they should, my friends and I decided to bring warmth to their hearts ourselves by creating minimalistic yet sincere postcards. The initial ideas was to make postcards for Easter but time flew so fast that I didn't even got a chance to notice how quickly this egg-eating and bunny-chasing event had came and gone, but after all, its even better to show attention with no special occasion.
The first few cards were not as successful as the last ones, but I'm proud of the overall result. Unfortunately, I am not skilled enough in painting to actually come up with the composition myself so internet was my best friend at that point. Still, I interpreted the discoveries in my own way so the postcards weren't copy-pasted.
This activity not only had woken up my long-forgotten passion for painting (and art in general) but taught me that practice always makes your skills to improve. Moreover, it was a pleasure to draw while knowing the good cause behind it. I hope the elder will appreciate my input of work and time as well as feel pleased by the affectionate message of postcards.
All what's left is to send them together with other ones made by my classmates to some kind of retirement home before the spring ends!
Update: we have sent our cards to "Gėlos globos namai", who kindly agreed to surprise their elders.
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