Running routine

   It's a new moth and I'm back with an update of my running routine. As already told in the previous post I had variant relationships with running. Though sport was always one of the best ways to de-stress for me, I still find it hard sometimes to defeat my inner laziness and go outside especially if it's cold and gloomy. Luckily enough, favorable weather managed to hold for some time and I took a full advantage of it. As promised, I was running 3-4 km distance and even attempted to run 5 km once until the unexpected snow showed up. My plans to keep training at a consistent pace were ruined as easily as that. Well, there is nothing in my power that can be changed. The only thing I can do is hope for a weather improvement as sudden as its recent worsening.   
   Even though I ran only for a few weeks it managed to stick to me. I developed a routine to run right after getting home from school which always elevates not only my mood but determination to do homework as well. It does not matter how much tired I was or how little time I had, less than half an hour for a run was always on my to-do list whenever the weather was good. Also, I can already see myself improving in endurance, no its time to try to work on the speed and pace as well.
   Here's some screenshots reporting my runs:


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