Disco party

Even though officially it's the second of September, I still do not want to let go of the careless spirit of the summer. That's why the suggestion of friends to spend the evening roller skating was accepted without a single thought.
To be honest, I have never been a huge fan of roller skating. I guess my childish 'trauma' of using too small of a roller skates with a result of sore legs each time played its role. However, knowing that, as cliché as it sounds, challenges only make you stronger, I decided to finally overcome my fears and acquire a proper skill of roller skating. Too ambitious? Probably yes. One evening of riding (or more of a standing?) on those four-wheeled human-creations did not help me to instantly grasp all the nuances of complicated art of riding. Nevertheless, the presence of close friends made the experience much easier and memorable as well. We had a nice chit-chat, laughed a lot and helped each over by holding hands. What is more, we got to try the Cactus new ice cream for free which enlightened the day even more. It wasn't as delicious as I expected but as we say in Lithuanian, you do not look at the teeth of a donated horse.
Overall, it was worth trying the complicated sport of roller skating. The pros are that I did not fall once, took photos with an exotic background, bonded with my friends even more and had an amazing time whereas cons are only the unfortunate realization that it might be the last such evening spent not near in front of a laptop in the company of piles of books and notebooks.


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