IB course meeting

To this day I remember the feeling of confusion that haunted me for at least a few months of my first IB course year. What subject to choose? What is Internal Assessment or Extended essay? What to do for CAS? These and many other questions tortured me for a while until IB2 arranged a meeting to share with us, at that time IB1,  all the information that could possibly be helpful to us. Knowing how much this meeting helped me when I was lost, there were not a slight doubt in my head whether I should attend it myself this year.
Even though I did not participate in the organization process of IB course meeting, I felt obligated to come and share my experiences with newbies. It turned out that I even took part in a questionnaire that my classmates arranged. The rest of the time was dedicated to communication and a few get-to-know each other games. Surprisingly, I learnt a lot myself from former IB2 that kindly came to the meeting and shared their tips and tricks.
I am extremely happy that IB gathering was organized and IB students acquainted with each other. This experience taught me to appreciate the information others share with you and most important listen to all the advices you are given.


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